Monday 30 January 2012

Off and running

Call me mad, call me a glutton for punishment, call me good, call me bad, call me anything you want to baby, but whatever you call me there is no changing the fact that I am back on the long training road to be prepared for the Keswick to Barrow 2012.

Truth be told I wasn't going to do it this year, not because it was horrendous last year, in fact I quite enjoyed it (well apart from Kirkby Moor)  No, the reason I wasn't going to do it was because my wife was going to do the Coniston to Barrow, but the team she was going to walk for isn't able to participate now, freeing me up to rejoin the Team Jake squad.  So rejoin I did.

So to training.  Well this evening was the first "official" training run.  I dusted off the mighty green pumps and off I went.  It was very cold, and I was hampered by the 2 DVDs I had in the pocket of my hoodie which needed returning to Blockbuster.  Anyway, all was good, I did just over 5 miles in a very steady 40 minutes or so.  I could have very easily gone further but my bowels dictated otherwise.  And thanks to a "friend" on twitter when I was musing whether to blog my training again, suggested a bog rather than blog would be more apt.

So that's the 1st run done and dusted, I'm off and running.  The plan is to blog every week telling you, chums (or more likely, documenting my progress and feelings for my own benefit) what my training has been, how it has gone and what the plan is for the following week.

The rest of this week's training will hopefully look something like, a couple of 3 miles tomorrow dinnertime round the Park than about 3 miles run to football training in the evening.  Wednesday will see me swim at dinner and all being equal another 5 or 6 miles in the evening.  Thursday should just be football training.  Rest on Friday and weather permitting play football on Saturday.  Then, depending on how I feel a bit of a recovery run on Sunday.  I'll believe it when I see it by the way!

I am in a better position this year in that I know what to expect - pain!  I learnt some pretty valuable lessons from last year.  Mainly that I don't need to pack enough stuff for a weekend away, but I do need to take some high energy food/drink with me, never have i been more in need of a mars bar than on Kirkby Moor!!!

I think that'll do for starters.  I know this hasn't been the most interesting or inspiring piece of on line literature, but now that I've started training I will have more to talk about so keep tuning in.

Train hard play hard folks

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